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Ask a Painter Live (sort of) #366: in canada about to leave fir the wilderness! Loneliness/Solitude of being a business owner/ Master Craftsperson.
Painting Contractors Association - PCA
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Upcoming Events:
-Indianapolis Masters Classes 20 June - contact your local SW rep to attend!
-Massachusetts Master's Class (private) 29-30 June
-Seattle PCA Event - 27-28 July - check for mo... -
7th anniversary show!
Become a PCA Member:
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Personal favor to me: share the show!
email me [email protected] for a copy of these 'What do you charge for X?" templates!Indianapolis Master's Classes on June 20! Contact your Sherwin Williams Rep to register!
Want a LIVE Masters Class in your area? Contact Marsha at the PCA mbass@pcapai...